Out of Town Nursery & Humming Garden
Our Blog
Not so long back a nice young couple came & spent a couple of hours in the garden ooohing & ahhhing & “Did you see that!?!” (usually an Eastern Spinebill). After going around the garden several times the young man approached T(Tina) & threw his hands in the air, asking enthusiastically “What’s the story?” A long & animated discussion ensued about plants, birds, colour, weather, climate, the importance of Nature to a happy life & a philosophy of gardens & life. It is intended that this Blog takes on the role of that conversation.
After some chatter & laughter the young couple got down to some purchasing & finally left….This is what I hope this Blog can provide…a bit of entertainment…some information…& something to mull over that may even change the way you think about things in the future!
The Blog will be separated into a number of sections.
History…the history of the area….the history of the property….& the history of the garden…& us, G&T.
Diary…Events …What’s flowering in the garden…Seasonal chores….Climate & weather…our blessed wildlife & their seasonal effects on the garden, etc.
Philosophy…our thoughts about gardening, life, Nature & stuff.
Elements of design…colour…shape…mass versus space…light versus shade…& other elements which effect the psychological effects of the most complex & satisfying of all Art Forms…The Garden.
This Blog, like our garden, will not be completed in one day…it will be about the journey, not the destination…. a project of successive approximations….As one part is completed we will move on to the next area, always returning to maintain & review…It will be apt to wander…There will always be something not yet done…It will seem never-ending…There will always be something to look forward to.